what not to do:

Hey boys and girls, here is a PERFECT example of what NOT to do, under any circumstances.

[attached to a friend request] " Hey im notawkward guy's friend, i helped you with your macbook charger yesterday. Yes i know, kinda weird that a complete stranger, youve never really met officially is adding you but notawkward guy and i were hanging out last night and somehow you and your sister came up in the convo and when he told me about you, i thought you seemed pretty interesting and cool. He also used the word artsy to describe you multiple times which right there made you a coolkeyboardcat."

Seriously, this is real shit people. I don't want to see ANY of you sink to this level.
And what the hell is a coolkeyboardcat?????


  1. coolkeyboardcat :)


  2. ahahhahha, love this, love you, love your new blog!

  3. hahah i love this. ahh the awkward facebook message. i feel like i could write a book about it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
