Active Dreams

So I was seeing this dude for a minute. Our relations were physical, in the sense that they were spontaneous and wildly passionate and our chemistry was... well, sleep-depraving. But in other aspects, we clashed. I think our over-all mentality about things were completely off. And I mean opposites.

One night, I was laying in bed next to him, and we had a really heated argument before some really heated smooching. Eventually, we went to sleep. In my slumber, I dreamed that I was with my brother who is three years my junior. We were hanging out in our house and he did something to piss me off, so I started yelling at him. He ignored me, so to get his attention, I slapped him.

The dream stops there.

I wake up mid-smack. Except this time, it's in real life, and I smacked my man into consciousness. We both realize at the exact same moment what had just happened and I'm not sure if it was the shock of it all or the delusionment, but I started laughing! COULD YOU IMAGINE? Waking up to a smack and looking at the girl and she LAUGHS!! I of course started apologizing but I could NOT stop laughing.

The odd timing of this dream was impressive. I had been getting frustrated by said boy, and was starting to think it was a bad idea to keep things going. Ultimately, I think it was a message from the fates addressed to both of us,

That morning we got ready for our days and had a brief kiss good bye. I haven't seen him since.

Don't Call It a Come-Back

We broke up in January. And as one thing ends, this begins- again.